Friday, September 18, 2009

Q&A - Please post your question here!


  1. where can i purchase this at?

  2. It will be published on Android Market in couple weeks.

  3. I was wondering what is the difference between this and the Android Arcade Emulator currently in the market. Why would I choose this one over there other?

  4. For this one, I'll let others to comment.

  5. well from what jrioni has said i believe he mentioned that this emulator is gonna run about 1000 plus roms something arcade emulator cannot do!

  6. Q. Hi on my magic i can't configure a virtual insert coin and start button

    A. There is no coin/start button on touch keypad.
    For coin, from bottom of screen, slide your finger to top.
    To start, from top of screen, slide your finger to bottom.

  7. So I don't annoy the dev, how long should I expect to be emailed back with the passcode?

  8. It can go from 1 hr to 12 hrs.
    I'm terribly sorry for this inconvenience but unless Google release some mechanism to authenticate the end user, I can't really unlock this process.

  9. I want to purchase but am unsure of your compatibility list. What games are compatible? All neo geo and mame roms???

    Good work by the way. Your cps2 emulator was top class! Keep them coming!

  10. It plays most neogeo games that fits into memory of your device. (eg. on G1, samshow4 won't work or mslug2 will load but has a problem...etc).
    For mame, it's mame 0.34/0.35b rom sets only.
    Its compatibility list goes long but there're still many rom sets not compatible.
    Any specific rom are you looking for?

  11. I was looking to run Vendetta and wwf wrestlefest. Are these compatible??

  12. I have purchased the emulator and it is not working with many popular roms. Ive tried Samshow 1 & 2, metal slug 1 and 2, KOF 98 none of which work? So far ive only been able to run TMNT and Final fight? Will there be any updates with higher compatibility??

  13. It plays samshow 1 & 2 and mslug 1 with no problem. It will also play samshow 3 and mslug 2 but it might be little sluggish or encounter some hiccups.

    Please read my blog for the details.

    For rom files, you can find them at here.

    Otherwise, you have to convert it by yourself.

  14. For previous question, it doesn't play Vendetta or wwf wrestlefest.

    You can visit here for rom list.

  15. Thank you for the prompt reply. I have downloaded the roms from the recommended site and it works fine.

    I am very impressed with the way it runs at almost full speed at all times. Thank you for the great aplication.

    Please keep developing for the G1. Im sure we will donate more money for more quality apps like this one!!!

  16. I am trying to play Cadillacs and Dinosaurs, but no go on your Jarcade. Am I doing something wrong?

  17. How do you get the emulator to get it working on a Motorola Droid (ANDROID 2.0)? Because I have installed the lite version with the sample roms but it is not working.

    1. i can help u get the full jrioni arcade emulator free go to there u can download it free

  18. Is there a way to make the 1 button to be pushing down on the trackball, because I have a droid eris, with an onscreen keyboard. And I can't play any of your games right, because I have to stop walking, then I have to jump, because of the no multi touch. Or is there a way to at least make it to be able to run and jump, if you can't set it to track ball?

  19. To the person asking how do you get it to work on android 2.0, he says that he isn't able to download those sample roms directly from his phone, you have to go to that website he recomends, on your computer, and download the roms there, and transfer them to the /download section of your SD card.

  20. For run & jump, you need to press the blue button instead of red.
    Red = a regular button
    Blue = a regular button + the last directional key

  21. Is there any way to access the game diagnostic menu to change settings, or save .cfg settings? Williams games such as Joust don't automatically come up in game mode the first time they are run, you get a "Factory Settings Restored" screen that I can't get past.

  22. i just purchased the jarcade for the droid and i cant seem to get the downloaded roms to open the screen just come up black. can someone please help me

  23. hi, please use your PC to download rom files and copy them onto sdcard.

    Android currently doesn't support php download.

  24. Wat I can do went one rom have two file

  25. which game? try unzip all files and then zip them all into one.

  26. The game try is kof95 kof96 kof99 I mean all kof is in tow zip file n I ll unzip n make it in one file but still n play wat can I do

  27. look i try this sh@t all last week n haf of this this fuckn roms dsnt work im realy mad im bout to think ya get me wit my money cps2 wass goo but this bullsh@t dnt look goo iall try diferent unzip file diferent wside n all say the some thin the one open in blak n then other look like gonna open n drap me bck to the roms folder w nd update

  28. I have bought the emulator for android, the first passcode that was sent to me didn't work, I sent the email two times more but the other two passcodes didn't worked too. Please send me a passcode that works. The number of the google order is: 236621508738782. Thank you.

  29. This link is not working. Please update the link. I need to download the dat files.

  30. wat is a dat file d i need that to play mame roms or neo geo roms

  31. wat i need to do to get mame roms to wrk in the g1

  32. Virtual (touch) controls don't seem to work on the Droid. Virtual DPad works sometimes, other times it doesn't. Virtual 1 and 2 buttons don't seem to work at all. Tried 1943 and button 1 should FIRE, button 2 should be special attack. Neither button does anything.

  33. i have the g1 for tmobile and cannot find the lite version. i have no problem paying for the full version it seems great and has awesome reviews is there a lite version for the g1 so i can see if it works if not ill just get the full version and see what happens if you can email me at that be awesome or just post a response up here and ill check it later thanks

  34. Hey Great Job Jrioni! Roms loaded and working as advertized! Are you still developing on this?

    Any chance of adding accelerometer support to the emulator as a TrackBall substitute? I can't tell you how much this would improve games that used trackballs ( marble madness, centipede etc - and Starwars would also work better )

    Also multitouch on the droid would be really cool as well ( I saw you said "yet" - this is just a bit of encouragement :>) ) and any chance of an aspect control? I prefer to use the D-pad for some games and the wide screen thing just kills me...

    I would pay for an upgrade that included the above. Anyway- Great job.


  36. To play Joust, Defender, Robotron, and Sinistar on Jarcade. Start rom and it hang. Once the rom has stopped responding press and hold the coin in key and the start key. The rom will reboot and this time will not get hung up. Game on!

  37. Hey there,
    Great app! Is there anyway you can get the rom to play on this? I love pac-man and saw that this was on the .035 list but doesnt seem to work. I only get a blank screen...

    PuckMan (Japan set 1, Probably Bootleg)

    Great app, well worth it... keep it up!

  38. This is a Mame 0.36 set. Puckman from here works. The dkong works too ;). Please get Spyhunter and Tapper to work!

  39. the on screen buttons not working on motorola droid

  40. It is illegal to use the MAME open source code commercially. What you are doing by selling this app is trouncing on all of the VERY hard work that went into writing the MAME code. Stop making a cheap buck off of other's hard work.

  41. I have some slowdowns in some of the games. They appear the same way, regardless the clockspeed 550 - 1200 mhz on the Motorola Milestone. Could it be the Emulateded cpu, that is only set to run at 80 % speed. I remember this to be set at 80 % as default, on my GP2x

  42. Newer version should improve the frame rate/speed!

  43. You need to improve the rom list isn't sorting alphanumerically and u need a thumb scroll button added for faster scrolling when there is a large number of roms ...

  44. Why did the newest update remove the hot keys? The touch screen support is great, but I still enjoy using my Moto Droid keyboard with hot keys more. Any chance we will see this fixed in the next update?

    Higher frame skip support and save states would be nice too, but most games are more than playable as is...

  45. If it plays the original X-Men (4 Players) I'll donate 5$. I just looooove that game. Best MAME game out there.

  46. how do i get past the factory settings restored screen on joust using just the touch screen. i have a droid X

  47. Which version exactly this mame is? 0.35b1 ? cause 0.35b3 support Cadillac and Dinosaur ( but it doesn't work with this emulator.

  48. I'm really having lots of troubles finding working worms.... I used clrmame pro and tried many different things but 90% of the games I try usually give me a black screen and force close.

    Do you think it's possible for you Jrioni to update it to mame 0.36 ? roms seems much easier to find and lot more game are compatible with it.

    you can find the complete 0.36 set here.

  49. Keven, did you try this site?

  50. Its ok, i found a site with the complete set for pspmame and most games works now. I guess they both use the same mame version.

  51. Keven, can you share the site?

  52. JRIONI can you please help me get past the initilization page with only a touch screen Droid X. i really want to play joust.


  53. Did you ever post a list of the games that work?
    I have downloaded a few from both the site listed and Rom Buddy and honestly most lock up until I get a non responding error and go back. Any idea?

  54. hi, please do not use RomBuddy.
    It appears to have a problem for this emulator.

  55. JRIONI, can you at least tell me if you are working on making it possible to restart a machine with only a touchscreen so I can finally play joust?


  56. jrioni are you going to update it ,to make it compatible with a few more rom sets.?

  57. Hi Jrioni, is it possible to update the emulator so it can support all CPS1 games?

    or maybe do you have any plan to release a stand alone CPS1HD emulator like you did with CPS2.

    I would really like to play Punisher, Cadillac and Dinosaur and Xmen Arcade.


  58. So this is dead? No updates or comments in two months?

  59. Works great on samsung galaxy s :)

  60. jroni i just purchased and seems like all games that work run slooooowwwlllllly. not playable.?
    im on rooted dinc. moon patrol is about the onlyone that is ok

  61. Display in expanded view,cannot adjust, even through screen rez. Display buttons are the only buttons that work. Some ROMs work,most dont, used link for ROMs you provided. Any suggestions?

  62. Please update app with option to map to buttons on Xperia Play, lots of roms still work but the gamepad and face buttons can't be mapped to

  63. I second the xperia play mapping of the hardware buttons. I somehow mapped the directional pad (after many trials but it still does not work well) but I cannot map the square, triangle, select, start, circle, cross and l1 and r1 buttons.

    I think the app overall is great but adding mapping of hardware buttons would really improve it so much more :-)

  64. PLEASE JRONI!!! I love this app and this is the ONLY way to play certain specific arcade games and I have the directional buttons working fine on my Sony Ericson Xperia Play but no way to map the X, Y or SQUARE buttons. For now I have been using the directional buttons to move and on screen for shooting. Would be just awesome if I could use the hard buttons though. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE see what you can do!!!

  65. I tested the lite version on my Xperia Play. If the buttons could be mapped I would buy the full version for sure.

  66. This comment has been removed by the author.

  67. I am try to buy the new version, as it supports Xperia Play Fully, and it gives me server error all the time. I have bought several apps and never had this problem.Also, it would be very convenient if you updated the lite version, so that people with Xperia Play can try it and buy the full version.

  68. Hi,

    Do you plan to introduce Save States for this emulator? On a mobile device they are a must.

    Thanks for your hard work.

  69. Finally managed to buy it through Android Market web version. Quite happy with this app. It would be wonderful if you could add the savestate function.

  70. Emuasylum seems to be gone or busted. Anyone know where I can get 0.34 roms from? Thanks in advance.


    "Redistributions may not be sold, nor may they be used in a commercial
    product or activity."

    Doesn't matter what you did or how much you worked porting it over. The MAME code is the product of hundreds of arcade enthusiasts and developers.

    Don't pay this clown one penny. This app is stealing.

    Let's hope that Nicola can get you served with a proper cease and desist in short order, you clown.

  72. How can we see what version we have? There is no About option. I have no idea if I am on the latest.

    The directional control mapping is all screwed up. You have to choose up/down for left/right, and vice-versa. Took me about 15 minutes to get this straightened out, especially since you have to exit the game to go to key config.

    Please let us go to the options (at least key config) while playing a game!!

    Please implement auto-rotate!

    Please do not just show "?" for key mappings set by devices such as iControlPad.

    Please do not confirm the loading of ROMs. There is no real point to that and it is very annoying.

    In landscape mode, you cannot see what control you are setting the key map for! So you are supposed to press "Next" to go to the next control, but you don't know what that is.

    Thank you. (A paying user.)

  73. I want to buy this app, but every time I try I get 'a server error has occurred' before I get to the payment screen. Tried getting through both android market app and on the android website but no luck. I've downloaded other payed apps this week, and sent 3 emails to the android market people but they just send a standard message back. Can anyone help? I'd love to buy this app. Thanks in advance. I'm in the UK if it matters using the 3 network.

  74. Solved my own problem re 'server error ' when trying to purchase full version app. Couldn't buy using my phone. Used my laptop to browse the android market website, searched for 'Jrioni ' logged in at top right of screen using my gmail name and password, and authorised the payment on the laptop. The app then automatically downloaded on my phone. Amazing app Jrioni. Thanks. (please support 0.37 roms.)

  75. Hello Jrioni,

    I have a galaxy S...and i´ve just bought the Jarcade...i was glad to run roms like double dragon, bad dudes, shinobi, rygar...but i wasn´t able to run neither TMNT nor the Simpsons...

    Am i doing something wrong? is there a compatibility list?


  76. Hi,

    As long as you update jarcade to support 0.37 roms, will we have to purchase it again? or those who already have jarcade full version can take the update version for free?


  77. why i have black screen with sound only in landscape mode while in portrait everything work (galaxy s2)?
    Can you fix it?

  78. i'm not sure...btw, i'm changing the rendering (drawing) engine entirely for the next update , .37b rom support. it should work better.

  79. Why does the screen go black and my game does not load when i open the rom? i have a xperia play

  80. Is there a way to pause a game?

  81. The directional control assignments are broken:

    Configuring "Up" is really configuring "Left"
    Configuring "Down" is really configuring "Right"
    Configuring "Left" is really configuring "Down"
    Configuring "Right" is really configuring "Up"

    This is made worse by the very annoying fact that each time you go into Options, the "Up" control is in edit mode by default. So it is very easy to accidentally overwrite the existing control, and then you have to think carefully about how to fix it. Please set the default focus somewhere else in Options!

  82. It is almost impossible to configure the controls when the phone is on its side. When this is done, you cannot see which control you are editing. There is plenty of space, but almost the entire screen is taken up by the edit field (that should only use one line at most).

  83. Is there a way to utilize sound samples? For example, with the old ROM set currently used, the Donkey Kong sounds are extremely bad. With the PC-based MAME, that is solved by using sound samples (file named in the "samples" directory). But that doesn't work with Jrioni Arcade. I also tried putting the sound samples into the actual ROM's file, but that didn't work either.

  84. When playing a game, I highly suggest changing the menu item from "Exit" to something like "Close ROM". To new users it seems like it will be quitting the whole app. And even to regular users, it sometimes makes me think about it for a second.

  85. It might be a good idea to allow 2 columns of ROMs instead of 1. For users with a large list, that would help.

  86. I'd REALLY like a "Favorites" option to more easily load my favorite games.

  87. "Option" and "option" should be "Option" and "options", since there is more than one option.

  88. It would be great if the app could remember the ROM I was last using, and load that automatically at launch.

  89. Please allow us to cancel out of the Options screen without saving changes! Several times I have accidentally overwrote a control assignment and couldn't cancel out. Thanks!

  90. > "Option" and "option" should be
    > "Option" and "options", since
    > there is more than one option.

    Oops. I of course meant that they should be changed to "Options" and "options", both plural.

  91. Where i should put neogeo bios to play neogeo game into version 3.0.0.

  92. Excellent, my fav Android app :-)
    Can you provide a way to slow the games down? Some are too fast, slower would be more fun :-)

  93. Need help with running neogeo, dont know how to do it

  94. Could You repair sound in Hook ? And add Elevator Action Return?

  95. Updated to version 3.1.0 (from 3.0.0) on Experia Play. I now seem to have an intermittant lag in sound and motion. How can I revert back to version 3.0.0 ?. Have you released this anywhere ?. Your help would be appreciated.

  96. It's a few, most noticable with 3wonders and Toki but is happening with others.

  97. Can you update to 3.1.2 and retry?

  98. Yes, just tried 3.1.2, same problem :(
    strange eh ?. I've sent you a gmail. If you could share 3.0.0 again, then at least I try a re-install to see if that clears the fault.

  99. On Galaxy Tab 7", games rotated to a 0 or 180 degree rotation only have a red and blue button layout (1 and 2), whether or not tab itself is set to portrait or landscape orientation. As opposed to 90 or 270 degree rotation, which has the 6 buttons. Was this on purpose, games like Ikari Warriors look better on 0 or 180, but need more than 2 buttons. Also, possible to have separate coin and start button? Current button is fidgety for games which allow character select before start, just an idea.

  100. Why won't Sengoku 3 work :(

    It's not listed in a .37 format via the link provided on your main blog site, Jrioni, but it is there in the NeoGeo section. I thought your emulator could play NeoGeo rom formats as well? Or am I missing something here?

    I have the file in my folder if that makes a difference.

  101. Haven't been able to get wrestlefest to work, I've seen three different rom and I know they work but maybe they just don't work for my phone, I have a G2 running android 2.3. . .love the app, just purchased it yesterday so I would imagine I have the most up to date version. . .thanks

  102. I cant get past the activation, I have sent in the activation code and have yet to receive a pass code, uninstalled , reinstalled and tried it again to no avail. Any help would be great in this manner

  103. Great app. can't seem to get wrest fest, aliens vs predator, Simpsons to work. I tried a few different roms but nothing. I have the 3.1.6 Verison. And last. Does killer instinct work.? if it doesn't please get thisrom to work. I got rom files and image chd. could I b doing something wrong

  104. WOW!!! Great emulator, man!!!! Mortal Kombat I / KOF94, SF2CE, etc, working fine!!! But, Mortal KOmbat 2 and Mortal Kombat 3 and UMK3, not working? When load rom, back to the rom list. :(
