Monday, August 22, 2011

V3.0.0 Update


* This version supports CPS1, NEOGEO and .37 MAME rom set.

* The older .34/35 MAME rom set might not work properly, so please refresh your rom files.

* For an individual file, you can visit here.

* Or, for the entire compilation, you can download them here.

* Please note that for NEOGEO game, you need to place neogeo bios file ( under the same directory.

* NEW MENU Change
1. You can resize the game screen and position it to anywhere on the screen.
2. You can resize and position the UI control icons to anywhere on the screen.
* Drag/Drop = Press & Hold the icon and move around the screen.
* Resize = Press & Hold the icon and pinch to zoom in/out.
3. You can overlap two (or more) UI control icons to perform an one-touch multi-buttons.


  1. When is this going to be released ? Can't find it anywhere

  2. Great news ! I always liked your EMU very much ...

  3. Thanks. You rule man!!!! Still Superqix does not work though :(.


  5. answer to Rugal B : works just perfectly.

  6. Just one thing, as nothing is perfect : controls in space harrier and starwars were better in the previous release of JRIONI ARCADE. When you release D-PAD, direction comes back automatically in the center of the screen. It was not the case in the previous release. It was easier before. Maybe JRIONI will add controls options for this.

  7. please please please i nearly have all the games i played in my childhood all i need to work now are wrestlefest wwf superstars and splatterhouse hopefully i will get to play these games soon

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. With the PS3 controller and this my Captivate is a dream come true!

  10. Awesome work Jrioni! thank you!

  11. splatterhouse works now so i just need the 2 wwf games please jrioni bring an update out when you can that will support those 2 games please

  12. I take it back,Superqix works, bootleg version.But some games like Darkseal do not work now. With savestates it would be really amazing.

  13. Man, this upgrade is just perfect!!!!!
    Wonderful...worth each cent!!
    That´s the best mame port i´ve ever seen!
    Thank you very much!

  14. Now, YES, I will buy XPERIA PLAY!!

  15. Thank you, Jrioni.

    I have an Xperia Play here in Chile and I am now enjoying your emulator, unfortunately there is no way to play neogeo games, looks like no take the bios file :S, could send me some e-mail to play neogeo games, emulator works perfect!

  16. amazing, thanks for your hard work!!! now I hope this version has saving too

  17. Please save option is needed!!!!!
    maybe in new release????

  18. I've got to say... This Emulator is FAAAAAR better than it used to be. I felt pretty ripped off when I bought it, and I'm pleased to say that it's pretty fantastic now.

    However, the repositioning of the buttons etc doesn't work for me... I'm using an Xperia Neo. I press and hold after selecting the option, and nothing moves.

    I do have a few suggestions though... Most of which should hopefully be rather easy to do.
    1) We need seperate start and credit buttons. Having it as the same button causes some games to be worse than they should be.
    2) Display the game names instead of the rom names. Some roms are named nothing like their games... Dunno how hard it is to do though, of course.
    3) An option to switch between 4 or 6 buttons. Now that CPS1 and Mortal Kombat are playable, we need access to more buttons :)
    4) The control skins... They're not too great in this new version I'm afraid to say. Too colourful and distracting. I'd happily redesign them for you(I'm a graphic designer) :) Email me and let me know.

    Anyway... This emulator is pretty superb now... One of the things I've played the most... Since this last update, I've been recommending to lots and lots of friend and workmates with Android.

  19. It would be awesome if you could implement some pause and save game options. I have purchased it and I think that's the main problem.


  20. Please, default screen config and also per rom!!

  21. Hi i need à new password,please help

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. Love the new update and will Gladly support in the future. I already got a couple of friends and co workers it and when I show those iPhone lovers this they just go crazy lol. But anyway I wanted to add that since the update a couple of my favorite games don't work like Altered Beast and Alien Storm :( And boy I miss playing them. Plus do you plan to support multiplayer? It would be a blast to hook up 3 more controllers to my evolution and play TURTLES!!!!

  24. thanks everyone for their comments :)
    i'll try to, if possible, address comments posted here at the next update.

  25. Altered Beast and Alien Storm should work.

  26. Btw, do you really need pause menu? Isn't HOME button good enough?

  27. I realy love the update. I can now play most of the games I used to play. The controlls on a touch screen sometimes isn't great. But it some times help if you can use a floating joystick like they use in the commercial soccer games and gameloft games. The joystick centers when you put the finger on the right side of the screen. And you move the joystick by sliding your finger a bit. This way you won't miss the buttons in intense gameplay. Thank you for a great emulator.

  28. Sorry a ment they joystick should be on the left side of the screen

  29. Works great on Xperia Play :)
    Any chance to play MK2 in near future?
    Arcade ver. is so much better than SNES/GENS.

  30. Hi,
    I forgot to mention that cheat.dat and dipswiches support would be essential.

  31. Jrioni, there's a glitch in Altered Beast 0.37 that freezes some enemies when you kill them. So the screen stops scrolling making it still unplayable.

  32. 3.0 wont work on my galaxys2 skyrocket
